Productivity is comprised of many factors. Technology, employee morale, teamwork, and creativity all impact the amount and quality of work performed. By leveraging these factors, managers can revitalize a stagnant team and pave the way for growth and profit.
Here are three ways to increase office productivity:
Look for candidates who possess not only the right skills and experience, but also a team-centric and proactive attitude. Employees with these traits offer long-term potential and also reduce turnover and the high cost of rehiring.
In fact, you can find many free or low-cost business apps online. Cloud sharing tools can help your team collaborate from anywhere in the world. If you operate a small business, you may even be able to save money on office software. The acclaimed Google Drive packs email, office applications, cloud sharing, and other great tools into one free, user friendly interface.
Mac users can find a library of productivity software on the App Store and install them with one click. If you work in retail, consider investing in point of sale software that automates many administrative tasks and can help you market your products.
Break your team up into pairs and host a competition with a fun prize for the winners. These activities get the blood flowing, refresh the brain, and boost solidarity and morale. If you work in a customer or patient intensive setting, consider having employees work in shorter bursts with more rotations to help counter burnout.
You and your employees may also benefit from the Pomodoro technique, which consists of 25-30 minutes, or one “pomodori,” of activity followed by a 3-5 minute break and a longer 15-30 minute break after every four pomodori.
Remember that people are the most valuable asset. Try to schedule a meeting and ask your employees if they have any productivity tips to share with the team. You never know what gems you’ll discover.