Kardex Compatible File Labels

You thought it would be a good idea to run a fan to get some air circulating inside that stuffy f...

You thought it would be a good idea to run a fan to get some air circulating inside that stuffy file room. But when you turned it on, old peeling paper file labels flew off dozens of the files, like confetti in a nightmare wedding. Oops! Guess it’s time to update your office filing system!

This time, use high-quality Kardex Compatible file labels, laminated for durability. Each label measures 1-19/32”W x 1¼”H before folding, and they come in 26 distinctive colors, allowing you to devise an efficient, color-coded system for labeling paper-based file folders or binders with side tabs.

Kardex Compatible self-adhesive file labels bond for the life of the file. They are ideal for use in medical, dental and other healthcare facility offices, as well as in any business that maintains a volume of alpha-coded file records.

Purchase separate letters in 500-label rolls, or choose the starter set, which includes all 27 rolls of 500 labels per roll, including A – Z plus Mc.

Once you see how much more efficient and organized your file room is with Kardex compatible file labels, we know you’ll become a lifelong fan!

For product or order-related questions, take advantage of our live online chat. You can also contact our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team by email at info@suppliesshops.com or by phone at 855-632-8520. And remember, we offer free shipping on any order over $99.

By the way, if your company is considering custom labels, The Supplies Shops also offers high-quality labels tailored to your specifications. For more information, click here.

  • Laminated for protection
  • 26 distinctive colors
  • 500 per roll
  • Desk Top Roll Dispenser
  • LABEL SIZE: 1 19/32” W x 1 1/4” H, Before Folding